Sunday, October 5, 2014

Ceramics 1

Ceramics 1 is finishing up their first unit of the semester, and have blown me away with their problem solving and focus throughout this unit. The prompt for the unit was to create an object that has significance to the artist, but to imagine it as a ruin. The unit was inspired by contemporary artist Daniel Arsham, and his current exhibition "The Future is Always Now".  
(An example of Arsham's work)

What would your object look like in 100 years once it has started to decay and change? This gives the students a focus for both form and texture, important elements to all sculptures.  Students chose some challenging objects, and really followed through!   Most of the class is in the glazing stage, so here are a couple photos before sculptures were bisque fired!

These are very strong for the first product of the semester, and I cannot wait to see what else comes out of this class throughout the rest of the semester!

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