Sunday, October 5, 2014

Art 1 Completed Perspective Drawings

Art 1 has finished their initials in perspective, and we are moving on to our clay project! Before I talk about clay, here is a glimpse of the "wall of fame"- the strongest drawings from all of the Art 1 classes. These students did a great job with perspective and value, making prime examples of what to aim for in this lesson!
Our drawing project is a very tight unit, with little wiggle room for students. In our clay project, we have a conceptual focus that allows for more autonomy. It's fun to see these radically different projects next to each other, and it gives every student something they will enjoy. 

For the clay project, Art 1 began critiquing artworks in class with a focus on the Elements and Principles of Design. These are the basic ingredients in every work of art, and it is important for students to know them for analyzing and creating artwork. 

For their sculpture, students transfered  these analysis skills to music, and critiqued a song of their choice. Applying elements and principles to their song, students created abstract visuals for the music.  Students have sketched out their sculpture plan, and are now practicing building skills before we begin on Monday. Here are a few examples of student plans for the sculptures. This is always a fun lesson, and is a great way to  practice basic sculpture techniques!

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