Monday, February 3, 2014

Quiz Corrections Assignment

Students have optional quiz corrections due on Friday.  By doing the quiz corrections correctly, students will receive half of their missed points back on their quiz grade.  The requirements are as follows:

On a separate piece of paper:
  • Write the question that was marked incorrect.
  • Write your original (incorrect) answer
  • Write the question with the correct answer 3 times
An example:
  • 1.  Two point perspective uses _________ vanishing point(s).
  • I wrote one, which was incorrect
  • 1.  Two point perspective uses two vanishing point(s).
  • 1.  Two point perspective uses two vanishing point(s).
  • 1.  Two point perspective uses two vanishing point(s).
The quiz corrections must be written by hand, and turned in on Friday, February 7th.

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