Thursday, January 30, 2014

Calendar Change

Welcome back from our snow vacation!  Due to our 3 snow days. there have been some changes to our class calendar.  Please take a look at my website to see any updates.

Students will need to complete their Calamity Day 6 Assignment by Monday.  The assignment prompts the student to describe how they would define art.  There are no length requirements, but the writing should be spell checked.  Writings can to printed and turned in during class, or emailed to me at

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Perspective Houses

Students just finished up their houses in perspective. These houses combine all of the skills that students have picked up so far in the course. Here are a couple photos of some houses by students:
The houses look great!

Now that we have put some of our techniques to practice, we have started the final project for perspective. Students are preparing fonts for a composition that displays their initials in 2 point perspective. Here are a couple images of a practice composition the classes did as a group.
Students are beginning to master the techniques we have gone over, and I am excited to see their original compositions as they develop!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Homework: Perspective Houses

Students will have one homework assignment this weekend: to complete their perspective drawings of a house.  Students have completed most of the drawings already in class, and will just be finishing the works up over the long weekend.

The drawing is worth 20 points, with the following requirements:

  • A house drawn correctly using 2 Point Perspective in Bird's Eye View
  • A roof made by using subdivision
  • At least 1 door that shows depth into the building
  • At least 2 windows that have windowsills
  • Siding or brick
Each requirement is worth 4 points.  The drawings will be collected at the beginning of class on Tuesday, January 21st when students return to school.   

This assignment displays all of the techniques that students have learned thus far in the semester, and so far they are doing a wonderful job!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A New Semester!

Welcome to the second semester of the school year! Art 1 students are getting settled into the course, and will start their first project on Monday.  Tomorrow, vocabulary for the unit will be taken down in notes, and students will get an overview of the project.

Students will be reminded tomorrow, but there will be a 25 point vocabulary quiz on next Thursday, January 16th.  Students will leave class tomorrow with complete vocabulary notes, and should grow familiar with the terms in time for the quiz.