Monday, December 16, 2013

Completed Value Eyes

Students turned in their finished value project today, and they look fantastic! A great finish to the semester! Here are a few photos of the works!

They did a wonderful job! I have really enjoyed this semester, and I hope that you all have a great winter break!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Finished Clay Busts and Value Progress

The spirit animal busts have been coming out of the kiln this week, and they are looking great! Here are a few images of some finished works. Grades are being posted as the artwork comes out of the kiln, so keep an eye on PowerSchool! All clay grades will be posted by the end of next Monday, December 16th.

As the artworks are being fired, students are working on their value project: drawing celebrity eyes. They are doing a great job with the project and I am excited to see the final works! Here are a couple photos of their progress:

Students will have until Friday in class to continue working on these drawings, and the final works will be due on Monday, December 16th. No extensions will be giving on this project, as exams follow the due date.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy Snow Day!

I hope everyone is enjoying the snow day today (everyone who can!). This week students finished up their clay animal busts with glaze, and the busts will be fired shortly!  Here are a few photos from the glazing process!

So far these are looking great! I'm sure I'm not the only one who is excited to see them after they get fired in the kiln!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

End of Semester Update

As we near the end of the semester, I wanted to give some updates on the rest of the course schedule.  As always, my website displays a calendar with the coming schedule on it.  Currently, students are finishing up glazing their spirit animal busts.  The busts are due for firing by the end of class on this Friday, December 6th.

Next week, we will complete value drawing of eyes.  Students have already set up their drawings in preparation.  The drawings will be worth 50 points, and will be due on Monday, December 16th.  There will be no extensions on the due date.

Art 1 will have a final exam, and it will be worth 20% of the final grade in the course.  Students have received study guides, and material will be reviewed in class on Monday, December 16th.