Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Grades Posted

💬Grades have been posted to PowerSchool for the watercolor self portraits. Many students had successful artworks at the end of this unit, and their work is now on display!

The classroom wall of fame has been revamped with the watercolor artworks, and is located in the art hallway to show off the work! Take a look and see if your student's artwork is on it!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Quiz on Tuesday

There will be a vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, October 29th for 25 points.  Students can prepare by studying their clay vocabulary notes from class.  We will briefly review on Friday and Monday during class time.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Finished Watercolor Self Portraits

Watercolor self portraits are due this coming Friday, October 25th. We have moved onto clay in class, so students are finishing them in their own time. So far, the portraits that have been turned in are looking great! Students were able to decide whether they wanted to add pen work to their portrait, so some of te finished works display that technique. Take a look at some of the outstanding artworks so far!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Watercolor Portraits in Progress

Students are still working on their watercolor self portraits, and they are really coming along! The colors and pose for each artwork were chosen by the artist to communicate their assigned emotion. Take a look at some of the works in progress!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Quiz Corrections

Students received their color theory quizzes back today in class. If they are not satisfied with their score, they can earn half of their missed points back.  To do this, they must:

1. Write the questions that were marked incorrect.
2. Write the correct answer 3 times. 

This includes any drawn or written answers. Due on Friday, October 11th.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Moving on to Watercolor

We have officially finished our first project of the year!  The students did a wonderful job on their perspective initials, and have started planning their watercolor project.  Here are some of the finished products!

Our "Wall of Fame" featuring some of the outstanding artists in class!

You and your student should be very proud of their accomplishments! I was blown away by these works!

In the last week, we have moved onto a focus of color theory.  We analyzed color in artworks and advertisements, and focused on implications of color.  The final work will be a self portrait of the student that conveys an emotion through color and expression.

In preparation for the paintings, students have been studying the color wheel and watercolor brush skills.  Here are some of their practice sheets!

Today we edited student photos in the computer lab to prep them for our paintings.  I am impressed with their compositions! Here are some of the self portraits students have edited.  Next week we will transfer the images and begin painting them. Each image is aimed at portraying an emotion.
