Friday, September 27, 2013

Quiz on Tuesday

Just a reminder, there will be a 25 point quiz in class on Tuesday of next week (October 1st). Students should use their color theory packet as a study guide. The color wheel is also an area that students should review this weekend!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Perspective Project Images

 The students are finishing up their perspective project in Art 1.  They are looking great! Here is a peek at some of the process and finished products!
Students did some research to begin the project and gridded fonts of their choice.  This is a great example of this step!

Their next step was to put their fonts in a 2 point perspective composition and add value for depth.  I am excited to see both of these as final artworks!

These works are all complete or almost there.  
Overall, I am so proud of all the Art 1 classes!  They are all challenging themselves and their drawings are looking wonderful!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Due Date Changed

The due date for the perspective project has been pushed back to the end of class on Friday, September 20th.  Students will fill out a self reflection to turn in with their project.  We will do this in class time on Tuesday, September 22nd.

Students have been doing a wonderful job finishing up their perspective projects, images will be posted soon!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Hello and welcome to my blog! Please check often as I will post updates and images of classroom progress.